DUT (Pty) Ltd, part of EDU, is Fully Accredited by ISETT SETA – ACC No: 03000547,and the Unit also offers SETA Certified Training Solutions.
The SETA Projects department provides NQF aligned learning solutions which comprise a team of Education, Training, and Development (ETD) practitioners, i.e. facilitators, assessors, and moderators who are skilled in the project management, delivery, implementation and delivery of skills learning programmes, internships, learnerships, and their associated assessments.
DUT (Pty) Ltd has thus far delivered on learnerships, a few of which are highlighted:
- The Siyaya Learnership
- Local Economic Development
- Project Management
- Tourism
- Event Management
- Early Childhood Care
- Contact Centre Support
- Customer Management
- Auditing
- Pay Roll Administrators
- Secretariat and Administration
- Fire Fighting
- Farming Skills
- The Sheriff’s Learnership
- The New Venture Creation Learnership