Professor Tukayi Kudanga

kudangaProfessor Thandwa Z Mthembu, Vice-Chancellor & Principal of the Durban University of Technology cordially invites you to  a virtual inaugural professorial lecture of f Professor Tukayi Kudanga, Deputy Dean: Faculty of Applied Sciences

Topic: One Enzyme, Multiple Functions: Why Promiscuous Enzymes Are Key for the Bioeconomy Agenda

Date: 13 May 2021

RSVP: Reply online

Professor Jean-Philippe Wade

Jean-Philippe2Professor Thandwa Z Mthembu, Vice-Chancellor & Principal of the Durban University of Technology cordially invites you to a virtual inaugural professorial lecture of Professor Jean-Philippe Wade, Head of Department: Video Technology, Faculty of Arts and Design

Topic: Burning Desire: The Strange Story of Izikhothane

Date: 26 March 2020

RSVP: Reply online

Professor JK Adam

jk adamThe Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Ahmed C Bawa, has the pleasure in inviting you and your partner to the Inaugural Lecture of Professor JK Adam, Associate Director in the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Technology at the Durban University of Technology.

Topic: Guiding Medicine to Infinity and Beyond

Date: 19 August 2015


Professor Kugen Permaul

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Ahmed C Bawa, has the pleasure in inviting you and your partner to the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Kugen Permaul, Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Durban University of Technology.

Topic:Evolution of a Gene Jockey

Date: 22 May 2015

Professor Faizal Bux

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Ahmed C Bawa, has the pleasure in inviting you and your partner to the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Faizal Bux, Institute of Water and Wastewater Technology, at the Durban University of Technology.

Topic:“Bugs” For a Better Environment

Date: 25 March 2015

Professor Bharti Odhav

prof bharti odhav invite 30-07-14The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Ahmed C Bawa, has the pleasure in inviting you and your partner to the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Bharti Odhav, Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Durban University of Technology.

Topic:A Plant Called Medicine

Date: 20 August 2014

Professor Krishnan Kanny

prof_kannyThe Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Ahmed C Bawa, has pleasure in inviting you to the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Krishnan Kanny, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the Durban University of Technology.

Read Prof Krishnan Kanny – Biography

Topic: Are we going naNo ballistic or do we have a good story to tell?

Date: 21 May 2014

Professor Kevin Duffy

Inaugural Lecture of Professor Kevin Duffy.

Topic: Science: Seeking mysteries and magic in nature

Date: 12 March 2014

Professor Oludayo Olugbara

olugbaraInaugural lecture of Full Professor in the Faculty of Accounting and Informatics, Department of Information Technology at the Durban University of Technology, Professor Oludayo Olugbara, PhD (Computer Science, University of Zululand); M.Sc. Mathematics (Computer Science, University of Ilorin, Nigeria); B.Sc. (Honours) Mathematics (First Class Honours, University of Ilorin, Nigeria).

Topic: Smart Cities in a Complex Hyperconnected World

Date: 20 November 2013

Read Prof Oludayo Olugbara – Biography

Professor Nirmala Deenadayalu

Inaugural lecture of the Principal Investigator of the Thermodynamics Unit in the Department of Chemistry, Professor Nirmala Deenadayalu.

Topic: From Physical Chemistry to Green Chemistry and Collaborations

Date: 19 September 2013

Professor Suren Singh

suren_singh1Inaugural lecture of the Head of the Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology in the Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Research Leader of the Enzyme Technology Research Group, Professor Suren Singh, BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD [Microbiology] UKZN (former UDW).

Topic: ENZYMES : The cyclic journey with a hot loving fungus

Date: 2 August 2013

Read Prof Suren Singh – Biography