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Our Space Science Centre and South African Company CNS Systems (Pty) Ltd from Durban ( are offering the following projects and proposals:

I. African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS)
II. Digital Video Broadcasting-Return Channel via Satellite (DVB-RCS)
III. Satellite Asset Tracking (SAT) and SCADA (M2M)
IV. Satellite Road Traffic Control and Management (SRTCM)
V. Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS)
VI. Space Solar Power (SSP)
VII. Ground Solar Power (GSP)
VIII. Sources for Future African Multipurpose GEO Satellites (FAMGS)
IX. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
X. Homeland Security System (HSS)
XI. Global Mobile Space Distress and Safety Systems (GMSDS)
XII. Research, Postgraduate Studies, Projects and Developments of Other Techniques and Technologies in Space Program


I. African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS) 

Presentation: African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS)
White Paper: African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS) – African SBAS
Gallery: African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS)

African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS) is a project designed by Prof. Ilcev together with CNS Systems (Pty) Ltd, Former-IS Marine Radio. Therefore, CNS Systems Company with current and new partners including DUT will realize ASAS project with implementation of CNS networks for enhanced safety and security in all transportation system, including for Ship Traffic Control (STC) and Ship Traffic Management (STM), Land Traffic Control (LTC) for Road and Railway management solutions and Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Air Traffic Managements (ATM).

The ASAS project is one of Regional Satellite Augmentation System (RSAS) and is an interoperable part of new Global Satellite Augmentation System (GSAS). It will be integrated with compatible RSAS networks such as the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), Japanese MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation System (MSAS) and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). In the meantime, were developed other four RSAS: Russian System of Differential Correction and Monitoring (SDCM), Chinese Satellite Navigation Augmentation System (SNAS) and Indian GPS/GLONASS and GEOS Augmented Navigation (GAGAN). Practically, the new projected ASAS Network as African Project done by Africans for Africa will cover entire African Continent (54 countries) and Middle East Region (15 countries).

In this introduction, the nomination of International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) known as Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS), which appear as acronyms in the World classification, will be replaced by the Regional Satellite Augmentation System (RSAS) as a more convenient and common nomenclature. In the similar way Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) as a radio system of the US/FAA will be replaced by the Local VHF Augmentation System (LVAS).

For the controller, current surveillance equipment, primarily radar, detects the position of the many moving ships, vehicles and aircraft in the traffic coverage area. Otherwise, the radar monitoring the movement of seagoing ships, aircraft and other vehicles spins much faster than those radars covering. New tools, like CNS in general and Surveillance in particular, have been developed as part of GSAS combined with surface radars to help the ground controllers move more vessels, land vehicles and aircraft safely through the transportation augmentation system.

In the proper manner, the additional navigational accuracy now available on the ship’s bridge and aircraft cockpit, similar to surveillance radars, will be used for other system enhancements and for surface control in area of seaports and airports. This new solution is today known as Satellite-Automatic Dependent Surveillance (S-ADS) using GPS or GLONASS satellites of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and communication GEO satellite constellations for global coverage. Currently being positively evaluated it is taking an advantage of improved accuracy for traffic control of all mobile applications. In contrast to this new solution, it was previously developed Radio-Automatic Dependent Surveillance (R-ADS), which can be used for short distance local applications.

Using this chain, the new ASAS network system and navigational message will improve the GPS or GLONASS satellite signal accuracy from about 30 meters to approximately 1-3 meters. For example, the current US WAAS system provides 1-2 meters horizontal accuracy and 2-3 meters vertical accuracy throughout the contiguous US territory. In the same way, the ASAS system for Africa and Middle East will improve CNS facilities of augmented GNSS systems for maritime, land and aeronautical applications, to enhance mobile communication in any phase of mobile movements, to enable better control of fleet, provide flexible and economic trip with optimum routes for ships and aircraft, to enhance coastal and surface guidance and control in seaports or airports, and what is most important to improve safety and security in any stage of navigation.

Currently are in use two military GNSSS-1 systems: the US Global Positioning System (GPS) and Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS or In Russian: ГЛОНАСС – Глобальная Навигационнаяа Спутниковая Система). It is obvious that both systems are old fundamental solutions for determination of Position, Velocity and Time (PVT) providing positions up to 30 m accuracy for civilian applications. Therefore, they suffer from certain weaknesses, which make them almost impossible to be used in the modern transportation scenario as the sole means of navigation for ships, as well as for land (road and railway) and aviation applications. Presently are in development phase two GNSS-2 infrastructures. First is Chinese BeiDou or Compass GNSS-2 that currently provides coverage over South East Asia and Oceania, while will provide global coverage around 2020. However, the second GNSS-2 European Galileo is still not operational.

For what we need augmentation of GNSS infrastructures for transportation systems? First important issue is to upgrade their signals and accuracy. Getting only these improvements will be impossible to improve the safety of navigation or flights and enhance collision avoidance. Looking at the practical situation during navigation or flight it will be possible to infer what will be needed to be done? Suppose, in situation when oceangoing ship is sailing in very bad weather conditions with very rough sea, with ziro visiblity, when very deep clouds reach the surface of the ocean, when it is not possible to hear anything due to very loud noise of the wind and sea waves and without radar signals, because of limited propagation, what ship’s captain can do, almost nothing? In such a very critical situation where a heavy collision can occur, the captain can get his ship position, but can not get the position of surrounding vessels. The sitaution is similar when an airplane is flying or landing in a big fog, snow or dust and when onboard radar cannot work properly.

To improve and eliminate such kind of situation it will be necessary to establish a new system of CNS augmented GNSS infrastructures known as RSAS networks. For instance in above ASAS presentation No I. is possible to see how ASAS network is providing new similar to radar S-ADS system. Master Mariner on the ships navigation bridge or captain in cockpit sends own GNSS augmentation signals via GEO communication transponder to the traffic control centre, where signals are processsed and displayed on the like radara skreen. In the sam time other ships or aircraft are sending their own possition, so on the S-ADS screen is possible to get picture of all ships or aircraft traffic. For example, the ship traffic controller may send, to any ship or it request, positions of all nearby ships, which is providing enganced collision avoidance during very bad weather conditions. But in another way, master of the ship or captain in cockpit may provide polling service to get themselves positions of ships or aircraft in near vicinity. At this point, having this data of reporting and polling system ship can navigate more safely in coastal water, approaching to anchorage or during entrance into seaport, and in the same way airplane can seflely approach to the airort and make landing even in any kind of reduced visiblity. All about new enhanced collision avoidance is possible to find in the Highlights of ASAS Network.

The additional information about communication media used for distributing GNSS data to ships or aircraft may be found in ASAS presentation. Thus, for ships sailing in deep seawaters can be used Oceanic Sailing Guidance and Control (OSGC) system and in coastal navigation, approaching to anchorages or for entrance in seaports can be used Coastal Movement Guidance and Control (CMGC). In the same way, aircraft that fly over the ocean can use Oceanic Flight Guidance and Control (OFGC) system and during approaching and landing aircraft can use Surface Movement Guidance and Control (SMGC) system.

The ASAS network will also serve to any other customers at sea, on the ground and in the air need very precise determinations and positioning, such as:

  • Maritime (Shipborne Navigation and Surveillance, Seafloor Mapping and Seismic Survey);
  • Land (Vehicleborne Navigation Systems, Transit, Tracking, Monitoring and Surveillance, Transportation Steering and Cranes, Geodetic Surveilling and GIS);
  • Aeronautical (Airborne Navigation and Surveillance and Mapping);
  • Agricultural (Forestry, Farming and Machine Control and Monitoring);
  • Industrial, Mining, Civil Engineering and Structural Deformations Monitoring;
  • Meteorological, Cadastral and Seismic Surveying;
  • Government/Military Determination and Surveillance Systems (Police, Intelligent services, Firefighting); etc.


II. Digital Video Broadcasting-Return Channel via Satellite (DVB-RCS)

Presentation: Digital Video Broadcasting-Return Channel via Satellite (DVB-RCS)

Digital Video Broadcasting-Return Channel via Satellite (DVB-RCS) is proposal and project done by SNS Systems for development and implementation new top generation of satellite digital Voice, Data and Video over IP (VDVoIP) scenario including IPTV. This system can be deployed for any government, military of corporate organization two-way, open standard interactive DVB-RCS known as satellite broadcasting and broadband multimedia access system. The DVB-RCS Hub in general, and in particular its Return Link Sub-System (RLSS), is at the heart of the broadband access system. The DVB-RCS Hubs are turnkey cost effective systems, which can be installed in days to enable a wide range of public and/or private network topologies with Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) for commercial fixed and mobile including military applications. The RLSS configuration is modular hub sub-system, which can be integrated with new or installed IP/DVB, broadcast platforms and IP switch and routing equipment to provide two-way satellite broadband access services.

The RLSS is designed to receive upstream traffic, handle upstream and downstream signaling and schedule and control ground networks of VSAT (available from multiple suppliers). The RLSS can support networks ranging from just a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of simultaneously logged-on terminals. The Hub or simply Ground Earth Station (GES) can extend the boundaries of terrestrial and satellite communications by converging VDV solutions over shared networks. One of the best sample is Discovery 300 Next Generation DVB-RCS VSAT Hub of Advantech manufacturer, which features are as follows:

– Up to 1Gb/s: 5 x 200 Mbps Forward Links capacity with 5:1 redundancy and up to 3 x 240 Mb/s Return Links per rack capacity
– Multi-transponder, multi-satellite support and geographical redundancy via GEO satellite roaming support for up to 45,000 VSAT terminals
– Return Channels: A-SAT-IITM Multi-Mode DVB-RCS, DVB-RCS2 and/or BM-SCPC, and/or DVB-S2 SCPC network architecture support
– Up to 13.122 Mb/s inbound per carrier in MF-TDMA and up to 20 Mb/s in SCPC Mode of operation
– DVB-S2/DVB-S2X CCM/VCM/ACM outbound maximizes bandwidth efficiency
– Optimized for IP and multi-media content
– Open standard design: DVB-RCS and DVB-RCS2 for Return Links; DVB-S, DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X for Forward Links
– Qualified with multiple IP/DVB broadcast platform vendors and interoperable with 3rd party SatLabs certified modems/routers and DVB-S2 modems/routers
– Unique and powerful Multi Carrier Demodulation (MCD) technology and world-class scheduling efficiency, maximizing bandwidth utilization up to 100% even in multiple over subscription scenarios and always-on network, user-friendly Network Management System (IMS)
– System uses VCM (Variable Coding and Modulation) and ACM (Adaptive Coding and Modulation), group QoS, TCP and HTTP acceleration features are standard
– System offers optional full Mesh: both TDMA and SCPC-DAMA modes of operation (peer-to-peer) connectivity and optional header and payload compression, caching and pre-fetching. Every VSAT is able to support many PC or IPTV in LAN, depending on used bandwidth
– The modularity, scalability and flexibility of the RLSS system architecture allow systems operators to add capacity and features as their businesses grow, and enable operators to enjoy compelling economics, particularly for growing networks of terminals
– Old DVB-S can be upgraded by the most effective and cost less 2nd and 3rd generation of DVB-S2 CCM (Constant Coding Modulations) and latest 3rd generation DVB-S2 ACM (Adaptive Coding Modulation) platform, forward and reverse compatible.

Satellite DVB-RCS with DVB-S2, DVB-S2X and new DVB-S3 via VSAT Hub (GES) with C (4-8 GHz), Ku (12-18 GHz) or Ka-band (27-40 GHz) antenna interfaces and extends the Terrestrial Broadband, Video Broadcasting, UMTS/GPRS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System/General Packet Radio Service), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Terrestrial Telecommunication Network (TTN), Fixed/Mobile Internet, Cellular Network, Private and Public Networks with corresponding satellite connection to Satellite Router Terminals or VSAT and enables the following major services:

  1. Service Provider Platforms for Regenerate Rural and Remote Communications, Remote Teleservice E-medicine, E-education, E-banking (ATM), E-tourism, etc;
  2. Enterprises and Private Networks;
  3. Broadcasting and Content Distribution – Presentation Coming Up;
  4. Satellite News Gathering (SNG);
  5. Satellite Emergency and Security Management; and
  6. Defense Information Management (DIM) for Rebuilding military efforts, Secure or encrypted communication for all applications, Troop communications, Logistics Management, E-training and E-education.

Manufacturers proven to support technologies providing up to 10x cost reduction, Spot beams, include three mentioned or Ka-band only, Turbo coding, CF-DAMA MAC Layer, up to 25% more efficient than standard DAMA, MF-TDMA up to 30%, more efficient than TDMA used by some competitors.

The DVB-RCS is providing network via micro, mini and maxi HUB configurations, with possible upgrading, which have to serve of 10-100, 100 to 1000 and over 1000 to 80,000 fixed or mobile VSAT units or remotes. Each VSAT has to provide service for about 100 PC or IPTV (TV over IP) combined in LAN what is depending on quantity of used bandwidth of each user. The satellite broadband network delivers two-way IP multimedia connectivity both between user terminals in the satellite system and between user terminals and the terrestrial network.

The broadcast MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group)/DVB-S service is available in one-way (unidirectional) from the SatLink HUB to the users terminals. DVB-RCS Return Link Sub-Systems complete DVB-RCS hubs and end-to-end systems support to design and/or optimize complete ground segment architecture (networks of hubs and terminals) are all available from Advantech and other manufacturers. The Return Link Sub-System (RLSS) is a modular sub-system, which can be combined with several new or installed IP/DVB broadcast platforms to provide two-way satellite interactive service. The MPEG2/DVB-S or DVB-S2, DVB-S2X and DVB-S3 are last DVB-RCS technology allows transmission of several signals on the same carriers. With very low cost per bit, service prices become comparable to those offered by terrestrial networks and can be delivered where other technologies cannot reach. This satellite network can provide solutions in vas variety of segments, such as:

  • Corporate, Government and Private Networks (E-commerce)
  • Education and Learning (E-education scenario is able to connect all schools in one country or region) – Presentation Coming Up
  • Hospitals and Clinics (E-medicine scenario can connect all hospitals, clinics and medical centres)
  • LAN/WAN, Radio and TV Broadcasting (very useful for broadcasting any sport event regionally or worldwide)
  • Banking and Financial services (E-banking – ATM) – Presentation Coming Up
  • Petroleum and convenience outlets (E-offshore) – Presentation Coming Up
  • Hotels with Restaurant, Entertainment and Retail solutions (E-tourism)
  • Safari and hotels in animal parks and reservations
  • Backbone to Cellular Systems – Presentation Coming Up
  • Remote and Rural areas (E-rural) – Presentation Coming Up
  • Small to Medium-size Enterprise (SME,) Small office Home office (SoHo) and Teleworker
  • Mobile solutions (Ships, Cruisers, Trains, Airplanes and Automotive),
  • Military, Intelligent Crevice, Police, etc.

This new Satellite Broadband System is more advanced and cost-effective then any known Cellular or Fiber Optic network in QoS, propagation with better penetration of signals inside of building, greater Internet speed in excess of 250 Mb/s as real figure, and most probably in the future will substitute or integrate all Cellular systems and can spread range of telecommunication landline and optical networks.

III. Satellite Asset Tracking (SAT) and SCADA (M2M)

Presentation: Satellite Asset Tracking (SAT) and SCADA (M2M)

Development of Satellite Asset Tracking (SAT) and optionally integrated with General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is proposal and project done by CNS Systems, for development and implementation new generation of Satellite Asset Tracking, Mobile Fleet Management, Telemetry, Monitoring, Logistics, Signalization and Control for transportation, energy, water, oil and gas, forestry, agriculture, mining and construction applications including military solutions.

Last research and invention is done by CNS Systems in SAT for Global Containers Tracking (GCT), Vehicles and Wagons, which promise service without boundaries. This new technologies will provide service with GPS Receiver (Rx) and Satellite Transceiving Modem, namely Rx/Tx (Transmitter) integrated with RFID solutions.

The GEO and LEO (known as Non-GEO) satellite standards offer global two-way data communications utilizing device no bigger than a personal CD player. With its greatly reduced consumption of main, solar or battery power, this equipment is an effective way of remotely collecting basic SAT data and other solutions for maritime, land (road/rail and intermodal transport) and aeronautical operators including short messaging and retrieval of data by dispatcher PC (Desktop or Laptop). Each mobile asset fitted with adequate unit can communicate via any above mentioned satellite network to the Ground Earth Station (GES). At the GES terminal, the RF signals from the dish are converted into a digital message format and routed via a dedicated line to a Message Handling System via satellite network and billing system. Using a secure Internet connection or dedicated terrestrial lines, the user is able to send and receive messages to the remote satellite terminals (assets) from his PC or dispatcher workstation (desktop).

By connecting or integrating special sensors to the main unit this equipment can do many functions such as:

  • Asset tracking monitoring, identification and location of stolen or lost vehicles: cars, trucks, tractors, trailers, wagons and containers onto roads or railway infrastructures (better then any current systems in RSA);
  • Enhancement of Vehicle Traffic Control (VTC) and Vehicle Traffic Management (VTM), logistics, monitoring and situation control on the roads and railway infrastructure including signalization;
  • Monitoring of drivers and vehicle performance similar to trip records/control to maximize use of vehicles in time to meet customer’s demands and deadlines, and detects unauthorized access to cargo using door sensors;
  • Vehicle engine control, monitoring and maintenance advices; retrieval data of spot engine irregularities and diagnostics; and sending or via special sensors retrieving reports on mileage, speed, and fuel consumption of vehicles;
  • Tractor/Trailers ID, location and date/time drop-and-hook notification;
  • Loading operations and casualty analysis, including special control of shipping and forwarding high value/dangerous loads;
  • Cargo control and monitoring of temperatures and humidity of perishable fresh goods or frozen products;
  • Enable access to freight information and services of fleet, integration of back and front office environment, and analysis of fleet performance parameters; and
  • SCADA or M2M monitoring of environment, pipelines and energy industry including pollution control, and so on.

The SAT and SCADA (M2M) solutions can use GEO satellite system for fixed and mobile applications by installing in vehicles or remotes Satellite Transceivers/GPS Rx. Also can be employed small units using Big or Little LEO satellite networks, which can be integrated with GPS and GPRS units as well.

All systems enable SAT for all type of mobile terminals and SCADA for remote assets. In fact, tracking capabilities are enhanced with built-in support of different sensors and actuators to monitor conditions and provide added features such as automatic door or engine locking, hook on/off, control of loading/discharging, temperatures, speed, fuel consumption, mileage, etc.

Solely SAT without management can provide global tracking for Ships, Containers, Road Vehicles, Wagons, Airplanes and Living Beings.

IV. Satellite Road Traffic Control and Management (SRTCM)

Presentation: Satellite Road Traffic Control and Management (SRTCM) – Coming Up

This project is developed by research team of CNS Systems leaded by Prof. Ilcev, and now is upgrading by the researchers, supervisors and postgraduate students at SSC. The system is implementing GPS or GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and GEO or LEO Satellite Transverses (Receivers and Transmitters), which have to be installed in each vehicle.

The unit in each vehicle sends short burst data, without driver control, via Satellite and Gateway to the Traffic Control Centre (TCC), which contain the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and Speed and Position. In TCC operator has PC with special software to monitor and control all vehicles in the area of certain road or region. Employing additional sensors unit can monitor consumption of fuel, mileage and other indicators, but the major point is to control behaviors of drivers, to send them advices about their driving, about conditions on the roads, about eventual jamming, incidents and so on. The communication between TTC operator and drivers can be similar to the SMS, which can be seen on small display. At first, to provide more safety on the roads, these units have to be installed in buses and taxi kombis.

The same unit can also provide Global Vehicle Tracking (GVT) solutions inside and outside of Country over entire Africa. The unit can be also used for vehicle insurance companies and in this case reduce the cost of service. The bus and track companies can use the same unit for SAT and Fleet Management to provide more cost effective transportation of passengers and goods.

V. Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS)

Presentation: Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS)

Our Centre does development of new Space Systems known as Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS) for CNS solutions. Despite of advances in terrestrial telecommunication technology, almost three billion of populations living in rural locations are still without any telephone facilities. Except Fixed and Mobile Satellite Networks, SPS are the newest space technique with top technologies for fixed and all mobile applications including military and rural solutions. These systems employs unmanned or manned and on solar or fuel energy airships or aircraft carrying payloads with transponders and antennas.

Therefore, with few cost effective remote controlled and solar powered aircraft or airships can be covered some region or country including urban, suburban and rural areas, farms and other environments with low density of population. The SPS network offers better solutions than all cellular radio systems, with greater speed of transmission than even optical modes, roaming will be enhanced without severe shadowing problems and disturbances inside of buildings, and service will cost less. The SPS mission can be integrated with current satellite and cellular systems, it is more autonomous and discrete and will be the best solution for rural, mobile transportation and military applications. The SPS system will enable advanced fixed broadcast and broadband communications for Voice, Data and Video over IP (VDVoIP), complement to terrestrial systems at very low cost, offer better communications infrastructures for developing countries and promote spreading broadcast and broadband commercial and military communications in those countries. On the other hand, mobile broadcast, broadband and multimedia access including Mobile Internet will offer Maritime, Land, Aeronautical and Personal handheld SPS solutions and services for both commercial and military applications.

VI. Space Solar Power (SSP)

Presentation: Space Solar Power (SSP)

Our Centre is able to provide research and postgraduate studies in development SPS for transfer electrical energy from Solar cells in the Space via SPS to the ground, known as Space Solar Power (SSP). Namely, in regions with ample sunlight, the sunbeam will be concentrated by the use of special mirrors to produce high temperature steam. This high temperature steam will then be passed through a low-pressure steam turbine to create electricity. The electricity will be converted into microwaves at 94 GHz and subsequently transmitted to an SPS located at an altitude of 21 km. In fact, the microwaves (MW) will be received by large rectenna antennas on the SCP. A repeater will then transmit the MW transmissions to other locations on the ground without the need for cables with an efficiency of over 95%.

VII. Ground Solar Power (GSP)

Presentation: Ground Solar Power (GSP) – Coming Up

These projects will include the development of Ground Solar Power (GSP) aspects from Sun, water, sea and wind. The project can also explore the best solar temperatures and strongest wind effects for the future development of solar panels and windmill power stations across the country and especially in remote and rural areas, respectively. This project will need about 1000 Surface Meteorological Stations (SMS) on special masts or balloons, which may include Cellular masts in any hypothetical country. Thus, each SMS will have temperature instruments for measuring energy coming from the Sun and a tachometer for the measurement of wind speed. The data generated for solar temperatures and wind speed will be sent via microwave links to the meteorology or any research centre. In addition, it will also be necessary to provide research for the following solutions: Sun energy via solar concentrators using special mirrors in space; sea waves, current, pressure and the tides power; sea salinity gradient; and sea thermal energy.

VIII. Sources for Future African Multipurpose GEO Satellites (FAMGS)

Presentation: Sources for Future African Multipurpose GEO Satellites (FAMGS)

African Continent and South Africa in particular are not covered enough with different satellite networks for all space applications. At present we have Intelsat, SES-NewSkies, PanAmSat, Eutelsat and other GEO networks serving to all fixed and mobile DVB-RCS and other VSAT customers, and is presented Inmarsat GEO network for mobile, personal and transportable applications including SATFM and SCADA or M2M service.

South Africa is also covered with Low Earth Orbits (LEO), such as Big LEO Iridium for both duplex data and phone service and Little LEO Orbcomm for simplex and duplex data service only, while Big LEO Globalstar has coverage for simplex data and soon will provide coverage for satellite telephone service. Therefore, South Africa doesn’t need to provide some additional satellite service via LEO satellite constellation. Otherwise, the development of LEO satellite system for Africa or South Africa is very difficult and not cost effective solution. Our Continent and County, both need development of regional multipurpose GEO spacecraft that will include the following transponders:

  • Fixed and Satellite Communication at L, C, Ku and Ka-band
  • Fixed and Mobile DVB-RCS L, C, Ku and Ka-band
  • Navigation (GNSS)
  • Satellite Tracking and Determination
  • Meteorological Observation
  • Remote Sensing

Our research and postgraduate studies provide development of payloads, transponders, antennas and satellite bus systems for space programs. Accordingly, Prof. Ilcev with his team will be in position to design and build first African multipurpose spacecraft. To launch our first satellite we may use the present Russian vehicle “Proton” or “Soyuz”, as most reliable and safe launchers in the world. 

Our Country may use available GEO broadcasting and communication satellites covering entire African Continent. It may be also used GPS and GLONASS free of charge GNSS systems. Africa cannot count on EU Galileo, because this project is still in development and is question if ever will be completed. There are also many meteorological or remote sensing satellites, but Africa will need the following satellite systems:

  1. Satellite Systems for Radio and TV Broadcasting
  2. Satellite Systems for Defense, Security and Cross Boarder Monitoring
  3. Satellite Systems for Distress, Emergency, Hazard and Homeland Security System (HSS)
  4. Satellite Systems Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring
  5. Satellite System for Space Earth Observations and GIS
  6. Satellite Systems for Space Solar Power (SSP)
  7. Satellite for Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS)

IX. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Presentation: Electronic Vehicle Registration (EVR)

Our Centre can develop reliable Distress, Emergency and Homeland Security System (HSS) for our Country using new technologies and experience of modern Radio, Satellite CNS and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In this sense, the HSS solutions provide a framework of security-focused solutions, which feature the integration of Radio Frequency Identification System (RFIS) and other advanced technologies to enhance both efficiency and security of ground transportation systems in airports, at border crossings, in trade corridors, and at critical facilities and sites.

The ITS for local Wireless and Electronic HSS offers Security, Control and Logistics on the lane roads, parking and passages such as:

  • Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) or Access Control Systems (ACS)
  • Electronic Vehicle Registration (EVR) – Presentation is under ITS
  • Traffic Control Systems (TCS) or Traffic Management Systems (TMS)
  • Electronic Toll Collection Systems (ETCS)
  • Incident Tracking and Management System (ITMS)
  • Traveler Information Systems (TIS) and Trade Traffic System (TTS)
  • Freight Tracking System (FTS) – Presentation Coming Up
  • Border Crossings System (BCS) and Site Security System (SSS)
  • Fleet Asset Management (FAM) and Intermodal Asset Management (IAM)
  • Revenue Parking Systems (RPS) and Weigh Scale Systems (WSS)
  • Seaport Movement System (SMS) and Airport Landside Systems (ALS)

This research with postgraduate studies also includes Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems (MIAS), such as remote control, navigation, determination, location, tracking, surveillance, identification, GIS and mapping and so on.

X. Homeland Security System (HSS)

Our partner CNS Systems and our Centre are involved in new project known as Radio and Space Homeland Security System (HSS) as integration of all above-mentioned solutions. The utilization of the Satellite Communication and Radio Homeland Security System are in development phase in many industrialized countries. Thus, some governments recently completed their comprehensive review about HSS, still wondering what vital role satellite technology and systems especially will play in improving intergovernmental efficiency and operational coordination for all hot zones in one hypothetical country. The focus on improved HSS initiatives has never been greater.

More attention must be paid to protecting own border crossings, sites and rural security, trade corridors, tracking the freight over highways and railways, and securing all airports and critical facilities, seaports and coastal waters, as well as the eventually impacted area surrounding the precise spot where a weapon or mass destruction is unleashed, natural disasters, environmental pollution and epidemic deceases.


XI. Global Mobile Space Distress and Safety Systems (GMSDS)

  1. Significant Improvements of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
  2. Development of GMSDS for Road and Rail transport
  3. Development of Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS), which is proposed by Prof. Ilcev in 2000, 16 years before International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In his book Global Mobile Satellite Communications published by Springer in January 2005 is shortly introduced about GADSS solutions, however in his 2 volumes book Global Aeronautical CNS published in 2013 by AIAA is introduced a chapter about GADSS Presentation: GADSS Network and Applications – Coming Up


XII. Research, Postgraduate Studies, Projects and Developments of Other Techniques and Technologies in Space Program:

    • Solutions for Space Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS): – Coming Up
      1. Maritime CNS Systems – Coming Up
      2. Land CNS Systems – Coming Up
      3. Aeronautical CNS Systems – Coming Up
      4. CNS Systems for Surveying and Ground CNS Solutions – Coming Up
    • Space Operation Engineering and Techniques:
      1. Cosmodrome and Launcher Vehicles
      2. Space Science, Exploration, Technology and Industry
      3. Space Segment: Spacecraft and Payloads for Fixed and Mobile CNS Applications
      4. Space Engineering of Modern Optical Satellite Systems (OSS)
      5. Multipurpose GEO and Non-GEO Satellite Systems
      6. Ground Segment Engineering and Infrastructures
    • Transmission Techniques, Antenna and Propagation for Space Applications
    • Global Mobile Satellite Communications (GMSC) for CNS and ICT
    • Global Satellite Meteorological Observation (GSMO) – Presentation: Coming Up
    • Hybrid Satellite Systems:
      1. Combination of GEO and HEO Constellations
      2. Combination of GEO and PEO Constellations
      3. Combination of GEO and LEO Constellations
      4. Combination of MEO and HEO Constellations
      5. Combination of MEO and LEO Constellations
    • DVB-RCS Systems:
      1. DVB for Fixed, Mobile, Personal, Remote and Rural Systems including all E-solutions, which include E-education, E-medicine, E-commerce etc
      2. DVB for CNS, ICT and Logistics in Transport Systems
    • SAT, Fleet Management (SATFM) and Logistics for Mobile Assets:
      1. Global Ship Tracking (GST) and Logistics
      2. Global Container Tracking (GCT) and Logistics is only solution that can work onboard ships and for stacked containers inside of ports
      3. Global Vehicle Tracking (GVT) and Logistics
      4. Global Wagon Tracking (GWT), Logistics and Signalization
      5. Global Aircraft Tracking (GAT) and Logistics is developed by Prof. Ilcev in 2000, which has to be tested soon

Presentation: GAT Network and Applications – Coming Up

      • Aeronautics and Astronautics
      • Satellite SCADA (M2M) and Logistics for Fixed Assets
      • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS): GPS, GLONASS, Compass or BeiDou and Galileo
      • Regional Satellite Augmentation Systems (RSAS) for CNS, GIS and Logistics
      • Projects of Infrastructures for Regional Satellite Augmentation Systems (RSAS):
        1. Local VHF Augmentation System (LVAS) for all Transport Systems
        2. Oceanic Sailing Guidance and Control (OSGC)
        3. Costal Movement Guidance and Control (CMGC) for Approaching and Seaports
        4. Oceanic Flight Guidance and Control (OFGC)
        5. Surface Movement Guidance and Control (SMGC) for Approaching and Airports
        6. Land Movement Guidance and Control (LMGC) for Roads and Railways
        7. Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS)
      • Radio Communication Systems (RCS), Antennas and Propagation for Mobile applications
      • Local VHF Augmentation Systems (LVAS) or DGPS for CNS, GIS and Logistics
      • Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS) for CNS, ICT, GIS and Logistics
      • Satellites and SPS for transfer of energy from Solarcells in the Space to the Ground via MW at 94 GHz
      • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Logistics via RFID Network
      • Automated Emergency Response System
      • ICT over Power Line, LAN, WAN, WiMAX, WiFi, Bluetooth and new CNS and ICT Hardware and Software
      • Data Processing of Radio Telescope Antennas, Earth and Weather Observations
      • Surveillance, Optronics and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
      • Ground Solar Power (GSP) as an alternative Energy from the Sun, Wind and Sea
      • Environmental Monitoring of Land, Waters and Air
      • Investigation of the best Solar and Wind effects for Solarcells and Windmill power stations

Prof_IlcevAll interested in our research, development and projects can contact:
Prof. Dr. Ilcev at
Cell: +27 82 7650817,
Tel: +27 31 3732692 & +27 31 3681095;