Prospective International Students who wishes to study at DUT for undergraduate programmes i.e. Higher Certificate, Diploma and Degree studies must apply via the Central Applications Office (CAO) via their website www.cao.ac.za  




International applications should be made as early as possible. Applications must be made prior to the closing date which is 30 September of that year. There is an application fee that must be paid. All applicants will be notified via email/sms of the outcome of their application.


You can also contact the DUT Admissions department to follow up on your application at the following contact number:

WhatsApp DUT Admissions

@ +27 834451282/ +27 834460459/ +27 834541495/+27 834543477/ +27 834516751/ +27 834413766

Telephone: +27 31 373 5005

Entrance Requirements for International Undergraduate Applicants

Diploma Programmes

Equivalent International Qualifications


The Institution recognises for Higher Certificate and Diploma admission purposes:

(a) any General Certificate of Education (GCE), or General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) that is quality assured by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE); provided that the holder of such a Certificate has, at one or more examination sitting/s, passed a minimum of five approved Ordinary (O) Level subjects, of which:

(i) at least four must be at symbols A, B, or C;

(ii) no more than one may be a symbol D; and

(iii) at least one must be English Language or English Literature;


(b) certain other international qualifications would need to provide a South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluation.

Contact details for SAQA

Address: Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, 0145

☎ +27 12 431 5070 or 0860 103 188

Website: www.saqa.org.za

Email: dfqeas@saqa.org.za  

In addition, a prospective student must meet departmental entry requirements as advised on the institution’s career leaflet or handbook.


Degree / Bachelor Programmes

Matriculation Board Evaluation is compulsory for all degree programmes.


Contact details for the Matriculation Board

Address:1267 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001

☎ +27 10 591 4401/2

Website: http://mb.usaf.ac.za

Email: applications@usaf.ac.za

In addition, a prospective student must meet departmental entry requirements as advised on the institution’s career leaflet or handbook.


Legal Requirements

Tel: +27 31 373 5600

Tel: +27 31 373 5484



Prospective international student who wishes to study at DUT must liaise directly with the relevant Department to seek admittance. A SAQA evaluation of his/her qualification if obtained outside of South Africa is required.